Please contact Michigan Conference Events Planner and Annual Conference Executive Team member Nancy Arnold
Welcome to the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa
The Michigan Annual Conference is held at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa in Acme, Michigan, just north of Traverse City. The beautiful facility offers a wide-range of housing and meal options. Nestled in the tranquil beauty of Michigan’s northern woods, the facility overlooks the magnificent Grand Traverse Bay of Lake Michigan. Take a flying virtual tour of this facility and see where major elements of the conference will be held.
Choosing Traverse City
The Grand Traverse Resort and Spa was selected following a two-year venue search. The 24-member Commission on the Annual Conference Session sent out a state-wide request for options which were narrowed down to facilities able to accommodate 2,500 people while meeting stringent criteria including; cost, housing options, support of Native American relationships, fair labor practices, “green” environment impact, accessibility for disabled and limited mobility individuals, plenary and break-out spaces; informal gathering spaces, child care options and more. Three finalists received on-site visits and following a discernment process the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa was selected.
According to Commission on the Annual Conference Session members, another key reason this location was selected was their focus on conference events versus the seasonal tourism trade that drives up costs. The Michigan Conference is one of the resort's largest client allowing the negotiation of deeply discounted rates, free meeting and break-out space, free conference area Wifi, meal discounts and extensions of the low conference rates to include May 25 (Memorial Day), May 26, May 31, June 1 and 2 for those wishing to extend vacation time.